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The purpose of OACEP is to provide networking and

professional development opportunities for career and

employment professionals, placement specialists and

other individuals interested in self-directed career development.

We believe that self-directed career development is comprised of practical techniques and strategies that enable individuals to more quickly find desirable employment consistent with their career objectives. OACEP is committed to increasing each members’ knowledge of current workplace environments, job search skills, career development principles, current research, changes in employment legislation, and ethical business practices.


Article I. Name and Purpose

The name of the organization shall be the "Oklahoma Association of Career and Employment Professionals," hereafter referred to as OACEP.  The name of the association shall be employed in connection with official business and activities of the organization. The name shall not be used by individuals, organizations, or agencies – except to signify membership in the association – without approval of the Executive Board of OACEP.


OACEP is a non-profit, equal opportunity organization.

OACEP shall bring together professionals from throughout the state involved in career development and employment, and other individuals interested in self-directed career development as either practitioners, trainers, counselors, researchers, or publishers from the education, social/human services, government, or private sectors for the purpose of

  • providing opportunities for professional development and networking

  • promoting research, ideas, and exchange of information needed to continually develop professional practices

  • establishing collaborative efforts in dealing with and responding to common training problems

  • promoting members' adherence to ethical business standards and practices.


Article II. Membership and Dues

  1. Membership shall be available to all individuals committed to self-directed career development and willing to endorse and abide by OACEP philosophy, policies, procedures.

  2. Members may hold and vote for OACEP offices; attend OACEP meetings and annual conferences; receive a certificate of membership and membership directory.

  3. Application for membership, along with payment of dues, shall be submitted to the Treasurer. Renewable yearly memberships shall run from September 1 through August 31 with new membership dues prorated in quarterly increments.

  4. Association membership dues shall be established by the Executive Board subject to a majority vote of the current membership.

Article III. State Executive Officers and Board

The administration and operational responsibilities of OACEP shall be vested in the elected Executive Officers consisting of a President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and other Executive Board members consisting of the Past President and Advisor.

Officers shall be elected by the members during the business meeting at the fall conference each year. Terms of office shall begin following the adjournment of the fall conference.



The President shall serve for three years; one year as President-elect, one year as President, and one year as Past President. The Treasurer and Secretary shall each be elected to a two-year term. The Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected in alternate years to provide staggered terms and continuity to the Executive Board.

An Advisor shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The Advisor should be a person with a broad base of knowledge from a statewide perspective.


Officers may not hold more than one office at a time.


Responsibilities of Officers

The President shall preside at all association meetings; chair meetings of the Executive Board; shall chair the Program Committee; call meetings and notify members, and recommend to the Executive Board for approval committee chairs and successors to fill unexpired terms of officers or directors.

The President-elect shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence or at his/her request; shall fill the unexpired term of the office of President should it become vacant; and assist the President in the administration and operation of all other OACEP activities and functions.


The Treasurer shall maintain a record of all OACEP financial business including billing and payment of bills; shall prepare a quarterly financial statement of operations and an annual financial report (which will be presented at the first quarterly membership meeting); shall keep updated membership lists to be distributed to the members semi-annually, and shall perform any other non-conflicting duties assigned by the Executive Board. All OACEP monies shall be kept in a separate bank account.  Upon majority vote of the membership, the Treasurer may be assisted by a paid bookkeeper.

The Secretary shall handle all official correspondence; shall keep official minutes of the organizational meetings and Executive Board meetings, and shall submit them for distribution to the general membership after approval by the President. In addition, the Secretary shall perform any other duties assigned by the Executive Board.

A simple majority of the Executive Board must be present at meetings to constitute a quorum. A simple majority vote of the membership present is required to pass motions in all OACEP meetings. In case of a tie vote, the vote shall be retaken with the President abstaining.

Article IV. Committees

Standing committees shall be organized by the President and approved by the Executive Board. The following shall be standing committees for the specified purposes:


Professional Development Committee shall consist of a chair appointed by the President with at least one representative from each of the special interest groups (education, social services, government, private practitioners). The committee shall be responsible for promoting the goals and professional development activities at each meeting, obtaining college CEU’s and organizational attendance credits when appropriate, and disseminating information on innovative research and new legislation.


Membership/Nominations Committee shall consist of a chair appointed by the President and at least one representative from each special interest group. The committee shall support and promote marketing, public relations, and increasing membership. This committee shall also seek nominations and propose a slate of at least two candidates for each office to be filled annually. This slate will be submitted to the Executive Board prior to Sept. 1 for approval and notification of membership prior to the fall election. Nominations from the floor shall also be accepted for election of officers.


Program Committee shall be composed of the President as chair and other members as needed. This committee shall be responsible for planning the agenda and location of all OACEP meetings.


Scholarship Committee shall be composed of two co-chairs appointed by the President (one person to chair the scholarship application process and one person to chair the scholarship fundraising activities) and other members as needed. This committee shall be responsible for managing all activities of the OACEP scholarship program.


Networking Committee shall be composed of a chair appointed by the President and other members as needed. The committee shall promote and support activities that encourage a sharing of best practices and other experiences between members.

Other committees may be appointed by the Executive Board as necessary.

Article V. Meetings

The members of OACEP shall meet in business sessions at least quarterly. The membership must receive formal notification of all meetings at least two weeks
prior to each meeting. The President and president-elect shall set the agenda for these meetings. Members may request and vote on additional meetings or special events that would be of interest to OACEP.


The Executive Board shall meet at least semi-annually to review organizational progress, set annual goals, etc. Other Board meetings may be scheduled by the President as needed or upon request to the President by any Board member. All members of the Board must be notified of Board meetings at least seven days in
advance of the meeting.


Roberts Rules of Order shall be the official rules for all meetings.

Article VI. Amendments and Dissolution

Any member of OACEP may propose amendments to this constitution. Amendments or revisions shall be submitted to the Executive Board, in writing, for consideration at least two weeks prior to the membership meeting at which the request is to be considered. A majority of the Executive Board must approve the amendment for it to be presented to the full OACEP membership for ratification.

A majority vote of the members in attendance is required to ratify any amendment or revision.

In the event of the dissolution of the organization, the Board of Directors shall, 
after payment or making provision for the payment of outstanding corporation liabilities, dispose of all assets by conveying the assets to one or more exempt charitable, scientific or educational organization as described in Section 501(c)3
of the Code.

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